Telegram does not want to give up in its attempt to dethrone WhatsApp as the messaging app most used, so the application developed by the brothers Nikolai and Pável Dúrov has reported a new battery of new features that arrive in the new version of the program.
Telegram 8.7 change notification sounds, revolutionize bots and much more. We are going to review all the great additions that will arrive with the version change.
Greater flexibility in notifications
One of the great changes that Telegram 8.7 introduces is the possibility of customizing the notification tones, since now you can turn any sound into a notification tone, creating custom alerts from your favorite music or sounds you like. When you receive an audio on Telegram, you can tap on the three dots option to instantly add it to your list of notification sounds. You can try some in the Notification Sounds channel.

Telegram sounds notifications
On the other hand, if you are one of those who want fewer distractions, you can now mute notifications for a custom period of time. Now you can choose the pause time for notifications for a specific duration, very useful if you are going to be on vacation or are only going to be unavailable until a specific time.
What’s new in the chats
Of course, much of the time on Telegram is spent in conversations and there will be changes here too. On the one hand, the self deletion can be activated in any chat to increase the confidentiality of a conversation or keep it more orderly. Now you can adjust the time it takes for a chat to delete its messages according to flexible time settings that fit your convenience. A great alternative to not relying on secret chats.

Auto delete messages
Reply previews are included when you forward messages to other chats, so everyone can understand the context of that new message that appears.
The bot revolution
One of the elements that most distinguishes Telegram from WhatsApp is the use of bots, which makes it the main option to manage communities and help promote teamwork in groups. Telegram bots support authorizations, payments through 15 payment providers (with Google Pay and Apple Pay out of the box), collecting feedback, delivering personalized notifications to users, and much more.

Telegram bots
From now on, they adopt JavaScript, the most popular programming language in the world, so that developers can have endless possibilities, allowing Telegram bots can completely replace any website. Try making a mock food order with the @DurgerKingBot if you want to see this new range of possibilities.
Users can now quickly add bots to their groups or channels from the bot’s profile and configure their privileges and permissions.
News specific to iOS and Android
On iOS, the in-app translation will improve and match Android, adding better quality translations from many more languages.

Telegram iOSAndroid
In case you use the app on Android, now any video can be viewed with picture-in-picture mode (PiP), so you can continue chatting while watching live streams or any other video without it bothering you more than necessary.