Parker Ortolani recently made a relevant discovery, revealing the registered trademark RealityOS has a worldwide presentation date for June 8. This means that there is a natural expectation that the AR / VR headset will have a place to be presented at WWDC. Ortolani also mentions that if so, it would square perfectly with Apple’s track record from previous filings.
Apple’s AR/VR headset
The information so far from Apple headphones indicates that the company thinks about two types of headset: One of them would be focused on mixed reality, which looks quite similar to what is currently established; the second would be the Apple Glasses, which would have augmented reality, being seen more attached to ordinary glasses.
Reports comment that the first type of headset would be released towards the end of this year or approximately at the beginning of the next. In addition, it is quite likely that they will have quite high prices, being close to $3,000, targeting developers. While the Apple Glasses would be more accessible to the average consumer. However, these would take a few more years to arrive, approximately 2025 being optimistic.
RealityOS, a name that only Apple could put
While there’s certainly nothing concrete about whether RealityOS (or realityOS) is owned by Apple, there are indicators that it’s entirely possible that it is. Through the Apple code there are different signals to RealityOS, being a quite probable name as an operating system coming from the company.
Everything seems to be quite clear about the shell company used to register the trademark application, since it would be part of Apple.
It is well known that Yosemite Research LLC is one of the company’s shell companies. Apple has used it for macOS-related registration, see Big Sur and Yosemite. For example, there is the proof that Research was the one who registered the Monterey trademark. As with RealityOS, it was also days away from WWDC, resulting in macOS 12 receiving Monterey in its name.
Yosemite Research LLC and now Realityo Systems LLC are registered companies under the same address. Corporation Trust Center is a real company that has Apple as a client, since its job is to lend some trademarks. These brands on this occasion have the San Francisco typography in their logo, which belongs to Apple.
Presentation of the RealityOS brand
Ortolani mentioned that the date for the presentation of the brand would be a few days before the WWDC keynote, which would be the most common thing the company would do. Especially given the surprising coincidence that the “RealityOS” brand name comes from an alleged shell company focused on “laptop hardware” have your world presentation during the days that Apple will celebrate the WWDC 2022.
Another issue to highlight is that “Realityo Systems LLC” only has the RealityOS brand registered. Initially, the registration is dated December 8, 2021, curiously, just two months after “RealityOS” began to show signs in Apple’s source code.
The WWDC 2022 keynote will be on June 6, that’s two days before the RealityOS brand has its world premiere. Therefore, another apparent coincidence is the registration of the brand shortly before the start of the WWDC, because it is a repeated behavior that the company has.
Despite all these synchronicities with Apple, a lawyer pointed out that the date really is a legal requirement, so yes it is a coincidence and it could not necessarily have to be in the WWDC. The stipulations, according to the lawyer, indicate that Apple has a legal obligation to file trademark applications no later than June 8, 2022, not to file the trademark. Still, Apple could surprise in the coming weeks.