The quintessential electronic books that exist today are the Amazon Kindle. Their extensive options and excellent autonomy make them a great travel companion for pre-readers who want to always have a large number of reading options at hand. One of the things that can be complex is adding new titles. Well, we are going to show you how to do this in a simple way and without having to use any cable to achieve it. The best in our opinion among all those that currently exist is to use the email address that is generated by default once you activate the Kindle you have. This is not known by many users, but it is a fantastic eBook copy gateway that works perfectly and is not complicated at all. By the way, to send, you have to use any client -such as Gmail- because there is no incompatibility. How to send books by mail to Kindles We show you the steps you have to take to achieve this -note, that in very old Kindle models this possibility is not possible- and, as you will see, the initial configuration can be the more tedious. But, once everything is perfectly organized, shipping new books is something that is completed in a matter of seconds. They are as follows: Know your email address Open the Manage content and devices section on the Amazon website Now go to Settings to then access the section called Personal document settings. You will see many options available, but the one that is used is E-mail configuration, which is the one that allows you to send the e-book. The fact is that you will see the address that you have assigned (you can modify it) and you must write it down to use it later. You have already completed this phase of the process. Sending the books to the Amazon eReader The next thing is that you use the client you use regularly and send an email with the book as an attachment (it is recommended that the eBook has a format compatible with the Kindle, so they are the following : KFX; PDF; PRC; MOBI; AZW; AZW3; TXT; DOC; DOCX). Wait a few minutes for the sending to complete and the same for the reception. The fact is that you will discover that in a very short time you have the electronic book available on your Kindle. As you have seen, simplicity is the predominant note and this is one more point in favor so that you seriously value the purchase of an Amazon Kindle if you have decided that you are going to take the leap to use an electronic book. >