Home Tech News How to follow Twitter accounts by RSS with Nitter

How to follow Twitter accounts by RSS with Nitter


Follow your favorite Twitter accounts by RSS it is a very real possibility and with its advantages, especially -over saying it, but still saying it- for those who are suspicious of the little bird’s social network and prefer methods as comfortable and personal as content syndication through open standards.

In fact, as in so many other web platforms that were born in the last couple of decades and even before, RSS support was present on Twitter from the beginning, until one of the many updates received, its managers decided get it out of the way. Why? With the explosion of social networks, the enlightened ones considered that a technology like RSS was doomed… but nothing could be further from the truth.

By the way, who says RSS, says Atom, although the former is the most popular protocol. In essence, we are talking about the above, content syndication using open standards to receive the information you want, and not the one calculated by the shift biased algorithm. That is why I refer to receiving Twitter by RSS without further ado.

Well, following Twitter accounts via RSS has always been possible: at first, officially, with the support of the platform itself; later, through various inventions, not all of which are still available. For example, there are different RSS services that provide this function, usually in a limited way and always within their paid plans. But you can also follow Twitter by RSS by other methods. sui generisas is this case.

How to follow Twitter accounts by RSS with Nitter

The most accessible way, because of how simple it is; open, since it does not tie you to any specific service; and complete there is to follow Twitter accounts by RSS is Nitter, an alternative Twitter interface that in my opinion does not reach the level of the original, that is to say, that I would not recommend it to a Twitter user, but that is at least curious and includes extra functions such as the one that concerns us.

Nitter is an open source development that, as I say, is not limited to offering Twitter via RSS, although that is undoubtedly one of its most attractive functions, especially for those who are interested in following certain Twitter accounts without being on Twitter. And although it may sound contradictory, it is not: the social network has a lot of noise, but also really interesting information. If we add to this the power of RSS…

How is it done? It’s as simple as entering Nitter and make use of the search engine that occupies the center of the site by entering a username of the social network. We chose the right one, which shouldn’t be difficult to distinguish… And we’re already on his Nitter page, similar to the original Twitter one, but with a few different functions: look at the top right button panel. You see it?

Twitter by RSS with Nitter

Twitter by RSS with Nitter

There you have the RSS button of the account in question, press it and add the URL to your newsreader preferred to follow that Twitter account by RSS. There’s no more.

Well, yes: although Nitter has been available for quite some time, sometimes it limps and can give a bug or take a little longer than expected to update, but it works, it works. Also, remember that it is an open and free development, so you can contribute financially if it suits you and you think it deserves it.

Indeed, the topic of Twitter is still hot after the acquisition of the social network by Elon Musk has been confirmed and many of its users have shown their displeasure in this regard, threatening to abandon ship like rats in a shipwreck. , fearful of who knows what. Whether it’s your case or not, Nitter can help you take Twitter to another side.



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