Writing a blog is quite an exhausting and challenging job, since you must always be trying to innovate and improve the content. in a way that attracts as many users as possiblelogically.
And speaking of content, one of the inconveniences that you can run into are the titles, so if you want to increase the number of readers who follow your content, the tools that we will show you below can help you to get more interesting titles.
HubSpot Blog Ideas Generator
You must have heard of “idea generators” pages before, which feature suggestions for blog titles. based on keywords that you enter on the web.
Well, HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator is a very useful platform that you can find on the internet for this job, managing to be of great help. in those moments of blockades and where no idea comes out.
The platform can become a bit erratic in terms of suggestions offeredhowever, it is an option that can undoubtedly help you to give your titles a more interesting approach, and all in an easy and free way.
Answer The Public
We now come across Answer The Public, a quite interesting website and one of the best known that aims to help you get to know what are people looking forcurrently, on a specific search term.
Once you enter its web page, write the keyword and choose the language in which you want to see the results, the site will analyze the data for your region and show you a extensive outline with all search information about the word you wrote, in addition to dividing everything into Questions, Propositions, Comparisons and Alphabetical.
In general, Answer The Public is one of the best tools that you can use to know this type of information mentioned, although yes, you can only do two searches per day if you have the free version.
Google search suggestions
These are a couple of tools that, although you probably already know them, maybe you have not used them correctly in order to find interesting titles for your blog. Its operation has been quite basic, where first of all you must write the keyword on the subject you want to talk about in the Google search bar.
This done, you must pay attention mainly to two key sections: first the one of Related Questions and second the one of suggested searches.
To make a long story short, scroll down a bit when you’ve done your search to come across this Related Questions section, where you can find the most common frequently asked questions that users ask about the topic you are looking for.
Finally, go down to the bottom of page 1 and see all those recommended searches that Google offers you, since these are the related things that users often ask when to finish with the first topic in question. From here, you can see what people are currently searching for and get ideas for your titles from there.