Home Tech News Europe prepares a “passport” for EV batteries

Europe prepares a “passport” for EV batteries


Batteries are indisputably a key element of electric cars, and one of the main concerns of its users, aware that any problem with them can translate into the need to make a huge financial outlay to solve it. If we talk about Tesla, as we already told you in the case of the Finn who chose to give his Model S an unprecedented ending, its batteries had to be replaced, and the cost of the change was no less than 20,000 euros.

This in terms of replacement prices, but we also come across other problems when we talk about electric car batteries: from what materials have been used for their manufacture, even if they have had to be repaired on occasion. The first has a clear environmental reading, although it can also affect its recharging capacity and its life cycle, while the second is a key factor for those who may consider purchasing a car of this type on the second-hand market.

The good news, as we can read on News18, is that Germany has already taken a step towards offering greater control over their origin and life, by providing financing to a multi-sector consortium of companies related to electric car batteries. The objective of this group is to create a unique identifier for each battery, and for it to be associated with information about its manufacturer and manufacturing process, materials used, carbon footprint, repair history, etc.

Europe prepares a "passport" for EV batteries

There are several objectives pursued by Germany with this initiative, that we may possibly see transcend to the entire European sphere in the future. On the one hand, of course, it is integrated into the plans of both the country itself and the European Union to try to reduce the impact of energy consumption on the environment. Thus, we can understand that batteries with a less polluting origin will have a better rating than those with more negative values ​​in this regard.

On the other hand, this information can also be very valuable, as I mentioned before, for people considering the purchase of a second-hand electric vehicle, and who wish to obtain reliable information on the state of the batteries of the same. And it is that yes, for example, we verify that some batteries have already been subjected to multiple repairs, we can imagine that their life cycle is already close to its final phase.

And there is a third point, which is that this type of information, uniquely associated with each unit, can make battery recycling much easier. And it is that this not only affects the environment, it also provides resources such as lithium and nickel, essential for the manufacture of batteries, thus reducing the level of dependence on the countries that supply these materials.



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