Discord is a place where users can become part of the conversions that take place in numerous communities, organized in so-called servers, according to their favorite themes.
The well-known communication platform, commonly used by video game enthusiasts, It has just presented a novelty for the voice channels, and that will serve to complement the voice conversations that are taking place in them.
Complementing voice conversations
It’s about the text messaging function, a place where users can contribute elements in communications such as links, images and more without the need to share them separately on other channels, through private messages, or through other independent channels.
From Discord they have also wanted to distinguish the experience of the text message function in the voice channels with respect to the native text channels that already existed on the platform:
When someone posts to a Voice channel chat you’re participating in, you’ll see new pop-up previews in the top right corner of the app. Stay up to date without having to open the chat every time someone posts; even those without a mic will feel more engaged when your message appears for all to see.
But they also point to it is possible to participate in text messaging without having to be part of the ongoing voice call of the voice channelallowing access to the elements that have been shared in it on any subsequent occasion.
Logically, owners and moderators of Discord servers will have in their hands the possibility of establishing control and moderation mechanisms for conversations, being able to define the functions and restrictions that may be present in messaging.
It is a function that Coming completely free to all servers, large, medium and small, including “Community” servers, before June 29respecting the previously established permissions.
Users will be able to use voice channel text messaging on all platforms Discord is present on.
More Info/Image Credit: Discord