Home Tech News Dabble, an ideal tool for writing books

Dabble, an ideal tool for writing books


Writing a novel is not an easy thing. There are many details that must be kept in mind, from stories of protagonists to chapters, data that is repeated, general structure… you have to maintain a logic to capture the reader, and for this it is not enough to open a text editor and get started. to write.

Many of us use parallel notes that we access from time to time, lest we say that the protagonist was 3 years old and then say that he is 20 years old 200 pages later.

The fact is that there are several programs that help with the issue, and today I will talk about Dabble.

This is software that runs in the browser, a program that helps organize the book by dragging and dropping scenes, parts, and chapters while automatically saving each change.

Stores information in the cloud, allows you to export to Word, counts words, tracks words, organizes prologues and epilogues, creates subtitles for the novel, defines goals, checks spelling and grammar (only in English), has several options of project format, has mobile support, allows co-authoring, accepts comments, allows highlighting of text and paste notes in it, makes it easy to split scenes, detects duplicate projects, offers the possibility to export plot notes and the history…

About three years ago we published the article 3 ideal publishers to write a book, but I have been looking at similar options since 2005, when we started WWWhatsnew. It is something necessary that responds to an existing demand, authors need this type of software, without distractions, without the possibility of creating errors by relying solely on their memory.

Dabble isn’t free, but it does have a 14-day trial option so you can check if you have what it takes to write the next bestseller.



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