Today there are still hundreds of millions of users who maintain one password for almost all your accounts and subscriptions in internet services, if not practically in all of them.
However, more and more people are trying to solve this issue by changing their passwords, although another problem also appears here, which has been know if these are safe enough or not.
This doubt can affect anyone, and it is that unless you have different keys with dozens and dozens and digitsthe feeling of knowing whether or not these are secure enough to protect your accounts must be there in your mind.
Google is more than aware of this, and in case you didn’t know, the company of the great G has a virtual keychain where you can enter all your passwords and keep them safe.
The thing is not only in this, since in said keychain you can also find a useful tool called check passwordswhich serves both to know the reliability of the passwords in question, and even to know if they have been violated.
Interested in learning more about this feature and how to use it? then pay attention to the steps that we will show you below.
How to get to the Check Passwords section of Google?
– Sign in to Gmail.
– Within Google Chrome, click on the three points that are shown in the upper right corner.
– Go down and enter the tab of Setting.
– Among the different options that are shown on the left side of the screen, go to Autocomplete.
– Go to the tab passwords.
– Click on the button check passwords.
Once this is done, you will access a new window where you can first see your compromised passwords, in case you have any compromised, and below you will find all the passwords that are considered weakin addition to a button on the right side of each one respectively that indicates Change Password.
When you click on one of these buttons Change Passwordit will be sent to you to the official page of the site in questionsuch as Netflix or Amazon, from there to be able to calmly change your password for one that is more complete and secure.