A family recently made homeless faced horrific conditions when entering a Dublin hostel last week.
The family of four became homeless last week and sought help from the DRHE.
They were placed in a Dublin City Centre hostel last week for a night, but photos show flies in the kettle provided, dirt on the skirting boards, and a hair on the toilet seat in the hostel room.
Read more: Homeless family who got apartment after weeks in hostel praise ‘amazing’ outreach worker
A spokesman for the DRHE told Dublin Live that there is a robust complaints process that they encourage all service users to avail of.
He also said over 70 unannounced inspections of emergency accommodation have taken place so far this year.

“The DRHE sets out quality standards that providers of Emergency Accommodation are expected to achieve,” he said.
“Our Properties Team undertakes inspections, with 70 unannounced inspections taking place in 2022 to date, and the DRHE are in the process of appointing an independent inspectorate to inspect all homeless facilities.

“This tender was placed on e-tenders and the DRHE team, will shortly formalise the proposed engagement of the successful tenderer.
“There is a robust complaints process in place for all services funded by the DRHE and we encourage service users to utilise the process. Any issues or concerns in relation to complaints can be addressed by emailing drhecomplaints@dublincity.ie or by contacting the Complaints Officer on (01) 222 6056.”
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