Housing Ukrainian refugees ahead of long-term social housing applicates could “drive a sledgehammer through social cohesion”, public representatives have warned Government.
A proposal due before Cabinet on Tuesday will see more powers being given to local authorities to rejuvenate vacant social housing units to house Ukrainian refugees and others in need of housing.
More than 25,000 Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Ireland since the Russian invasion began and it is understood Government were warned that all accommodation types will be full by the last week of April.
Read more: Ukrainian refugee resource centre to open in warehouse of Vicar Street
Taosieach Micheal Martin has said there will be no cap on refugees coming to Ireland.
Public representatives told Dublin Live there is a danger of creating a “divide” if the refugees appear to be “jumping” the housing list – which one woman has been on for 24 years.
Independent Councillor Cieran Perry warned it would create a “huge difficulty”.
He said: “It is already creating a bit of difficulty because apparently they are looking at their emergency powers and extra funding for voids and acquisitions.
“That will create difficulty with those on the housing list, who are quite rightly asking why didn’t we look at these emergency powers over the last five years.”
He added: “It really made me proud to be Irish and from Dublin seeing the welcome that they [the Ukrainians] got. It really is a good, positive story but that could all change if it is looked like anybody is being prioritised over those on the housing list for years.”
Sinn Fein TD for Dublin Bay South Chris Andrews doesn’t believe the proposal will work if the housing list is skipped.
He said: “People have been on the housing list for years. I spoke to one woman today who had been on the housing waiting list for 24 years.
“It would be highly unfair if she has to continue living the horrendous living conditions she is in. It will pit two vulnerable communities against each other.
He added: “That would put a sledgehammer through social cohesion. It will infuriate people on the housing waiting list.”
Labour Councillor Dermot Lacey welcomed the funding for the voids and any speeding up of decision making but urged the system to allocate the units must be “transparent”.
He said: “I think any allocation has to be done on a transparent basis. If people on our housing lists find that places on our housing lists are being rejuvenated and allocated to refugees, there will be the creation of a division that we need to absolutely avoid.
Green Party leader on Dublin City Council Michael Pidgeon welcome the proposal as a means to get more funding to solve the housing crisis and added that there is an expectation those fleeing the war will not stay “forever”.
He said: “There is a big capacity issue in terms of getting places where if someone has died or moved out and they need to re do it they call them voids. There is a big delay in those so if there is extra funding or capacity to get that done for whatever reason, that is a good thing.
“I don’t get the sense that there is an assumption that people fleeing the war will all necessarily stay and who do will all have … in the same way if they are staying in someone’s pledged accommodation or vacant holiday home I don’t think there is an expectation that that will last forever.
He added that many of the rejuvenated voids could come back into DCC’s social housing stock when the Ukrainians go back home which could be in six to 12 months.
A spokesman for the Housing Department said the expanded void scheme is “not specific to Ukraine”.
He said: “To be very clear, the use of vacant / void social housing is a wider social housing matter and not specific to Ukraine. An expanded programme will add to the social housing stock and aims to alleviate pressure on the housing system.”
The spokesman added: “An expanded acquisition programme where Local Authorities will have greater flexibilities to acquire certain homes, i.e homes which can be used for the ‘Housing First’ initiative, homes which would allow persons/families to exit from homelessness, and other specific homes required for individuals with a disability or other priority needs, is another measure which is targeted towards the wider housing system.”
Read more: Russian Embassy begs for garda protection to stop protestors outside its gate
Read more: Ukrainians can swap driving licence for an Irish one, Minister announces
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