Currently, if we want to check the air quality of our city or from a place where we want to practice some outdoor activity, we have to install third-party applications such as IQAir AirVisual or BreezoMeter, or pull the browser to check the air quality through the site website of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. Well, an app Google has started showing air quality and it is not your weather app.
Google Maps It has just launched a new layer that will allow us to consult the air quality directly from its maps, so that we can see in a visual way the pollution that exists around our location in order to keep you safe and healthy during our activities this summer.
This is the new ‘Air quality’ layer of Google Maps
The layer ‘Air quality’ it has started to activate today to the first users. To check if we already have the new layer available, we just have to go to the layers option that appears in the upper right and look for the new ‘Air quality’ layer and explore the map to see in which cities or countries we see contamination levels.

At the moment the new layer is only showing air quality in the United States and India, but it is possible that in the coming days or weeks air quality indices (AQI) will be shown in more countries. Google reports that the layer shows reliable data from governmental agenciesincluding the US Environmental Protection Agency. It also displays air quality information from the network of low-cost PurpleAir sensors.
Activating the layer ‘Air quality’ We will see the air quality indices on the map, showing in addition to its number the color that visually identifies whether the air quality in that area is very good (green), regular (yellow or orange) or very bad (different shades of red), also showing a description of contamination.
We hope that Google will reach an agreement in Spain with the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge to show the official data on air quality for the entire Spanish territory.
Via | Google