There is no doubt that the players chrome cast they are one of the best hardware devices that Google has launched in its entire history. Its ease of use and affordable price have made it an excellent choice for users if they want to share what they see on the phone on the TV screen without putting any cables in between. Well, they’re getting a update on your software of management which is most interesting.
We are not talking about an improvement of the firmware, specifically what we are referring to in a very interesting change in what has to do with the screen that appears when you have to choose the player desired for shipping. And this is fantastic news because, although the use was extremely simple, in this step more than one has doubts about which one to select… especially if the name of the Chromecast player has not been changed (which is the most common).
What has Google done in its Chromecast
Well, to provide greater intelligence to the software so that it is capable of offering suggestions users and, therefore, that the aforementioned doubts do not appear at any time. An image that has been published, and that we show after this paragraph, clearly shows what the new function we are talking about is like – and that makes the use of these players from the Mountain View company even more recommendable.

And how are these suggestions made? Well, according to the data that has been published combining several factors. The first is the proximity, essential to always get the best possible result when transmitting wirelessly. In addition, they also take into account the habits of the user. An example of what we say is that if you take a shower every morning and play music on a speaker compatible with Cast technology, this will be assessed if the time is right. It also makes it possible to distinguish between chromecast models to choose the most suitable for the shipment to be made.
a great true
If the operation of this improvement is good, and the recommendations make sense (for example, that the TV player in the living room be seen at the top of the list if you are there), this is an improvement that will save time in reviewing what is you want to do. Thus, with a small gesture you will be able to start the shipment. Therefore, saving time and simplicity of usor, which is generally what users are looking for when it comes to enjoying an accessory in their home, they are present.

In some places these improvements are already a reality, and from what the global deployment has already been known. has started. In this way, if you do not have the suggestions already available, in a matter of days you will be able to use it and see if all that glitters is gold. The truth is that it seems little, but you get a lot.