There was already Alzheimer’s before mobile phones existed, but there is a study that indicates that their use is related to the increase in cases of the disease in recent years.
This is indicated in an article published in the journal Current Alzheimer Research and in the press release on the research that is being carried out.
All scientists who specialize in the subject know that Alzheimer’s disease is caused by an excessive accumulation of calcium in the brain. Apparently electronically generated electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones may be causing or worsening this calcium buildup, and have already backed up the theory with animal models.
In the study they indicate:
Electromagnetic fields act through maximum electrical and magnetic forces that vary in time on a nanosecond time scale. Any of these can produce your worst nightmare: extremely early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.
It was Martin Pall, from Washington State University, author of the study, who responded to questions about the research, where they call “digital dementia” the disease to which young people would be exposed with the use of cell phones for many years. hours a day.
It is not the first time that electromagnetic fields have been linked to health problems, although it has already been ruled out that they can cause cancer. What is still being investigated is whether these fields may be related to irritability, headaches, insomnia and other problems.
Still, it’s just one study, much more research needs to be done before we can say that there is a link between Alzheimer’s disease and cell phones.