Windows quota on computer desktop exceeded 90% in the early 2010s. An overwhelming market share that many have considered a monopoly and that began to be cemented in the launch of Windows 3.1 thirty years before. Beyond its capabilities, it laid the groundwork for OEM channel pre-installations on new PCs, which has ended up being key to Windows’ massive dominance.
Since then, the share of Windows has remained fairly stable with the passing of the different versions and in 2013 it reached its peak, surpassing the 90% share barrier. Since then, the consultants have noticed a certain decrease, but not as much as the one indicated by information from that speaks of a 17% drop in the last decade.
The analytics firm has released data showing that Microsoft’s operating system market share has plummeted from 90.96% in 2013 to 73.72% today, falling by about two points each year.
Has the Windows quota fallen so much?
It must be said that Windows is no longer the most used operating system on the market as it used to be, since a few years ago it was surpassed by Android. But dominance in what we know as desktop computing has remained, albeit declining.
Certainly, not all editions of Windows have had the same level and there have been some like Windows Me, Windows Vista or Windows 8 that received a very negative reception and surely limited its implementation and allowed alternatives to grow, as highlighted from StockApps. Windows was in the past a “driver” for PC sales and surely the maxim has also worked the other way around. For example, neither Windows 10 nor Windows 11 have been developments as round as, for example, Windows 7 was.
“Windows’ dominance over the operating system market is shrinking due to increased competition. Today, Microsoft faces competition from alternative operating system developers.they assure.
The alternatives cited are those repeated in any option guide. On one hand the Apple macOS. The medium says that the system has grown from 7.95% in January 2013 to 15.33% which it would have in December 2021. However, macOS is limited to the sale of Macs since Apple does not license it to third parties. It will be very difficult to grow more.
And on the other hand Linux. A system that has gained popularity in the desktop operating system market, although not at the level of its potential and far from its share in other market segments such as supercomputing, servers or mobility. In addition to its free and open code, the medium cites its stability, speed and security.
We will see how 2022 goes and how Microsoft Windows 11 can improve to increase its appeal. And on the other side. The possibilities of Apple with the transition to the ARM architecture that at the moment seems to be giving results. As for Linux, what to tell you, “the eternal promise”.