Home Tech News>Mobile>Android Samsung increases battery capacity with the same volume: debut on S23?

Samsung increases battery capacity with the same volume: debut on S23?


Today’s indiscretion from Korea is the demonstration of how important it is in every field, even in the IT / technological one, innovate up to have better products down. A bit like in Formula 1: those who follow it know that one of the primary objectives of the highest car competition has always been to stimulate the search for new solutions so that they end up, cascading, on everyday cars.

And it comes from above innovation than Samsung, according to the local newspaper The Elecwould like to introduce mainly the smartphone to whom energy never seems to be enough. Precisely it comes from Samsung’s commitment to accumulators for electric cars, where the burning problem of extending the distances as much as possible to approach those of a combustion car with a full tank of green or diesel fuel. Being on foot with the car can be much more problematic than with the smartphone turned off.


So here comes the innovation brought by Samsung “at the top”, in the fifth generation batteries for electric cars. The construction technique is called stacking a term that in Italian we can render with overlapand provides – in fact – the overlap of the individual base units of every battery in the world (cathode, anode and insulator) rather than forming a flattened cylinder structure, so to speak.

The promises for smartphones, tablets and derivatives are the same as those that have been made in the automotive sector, that is the increase in energy density.


There energy density represents the amount of energy stored in a given system per unit of volume or weight, and is commonly expressed in watt hours per gram or Wh / g. Increasing the energy density means, in other words, being able to cram a greater quantity of energy for the same space.

The overlapping structure should guarantee one 10% higher density like having a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra with a 5,500 mAh battery instead of a 5,000 mAh battery of the same size, or even better a 4,070 mAh one on the “small” Galaxy S22 instead of the current 3,700 mAh, which as it is emerged from the live battery first and from the review then has clear margins for improvement.

But manufacturers might as well choose to take advantage of the new facility to build smaller devices for the same milliampere-hour or to allocate to new components the volume released by a smaller but equal capacity battery. In short, the possibilities experienced up they will perhaps be greater downand it is thanks to the massive use of stacking in the field of electric mobility that it has reduced costs to levels compatible with use on smartphones.

After all, they point out from Korea, the batteries with a classic layout they had already reached their limitand to push density up needed innovation.


According to the information gathered by the The ElecSamsung would have production has already started of new smartphone batteries at the Cheonan plant in Korea and could also convert one of the production lines at the Tianjin site in China with an investment of tens of billions of won. It is not to be excluded at this point that can debut on the Galaxy S23 or at least on the S23 Ultra.

And who knows that Samsung’s innovation does not end up yielding one extra order from Apple which for iPhones is mainly aimed at the Chinese of Amperex.



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