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How to add an additional face to Face ID

If a user of an iPhone or an iPad equipped with the FaceID system of facial recognition want to share your device with someone else, what you need to do is share the password that unlocks access with that other user.

FaceID actually allows a second facial pattern for the same user if the user occasionally has to wear facial attachments that prevent recognition.

But, fortunately, FaceID allows you to add a second face that, after recognizing it, also allows unlocking access to the Apple mobile device without sharing the password of the main user.

The only requirement is that the device has iOS 12 or a later version installed, since it is from this version of the operating system that the possibility of adding an additional face to the FaceID biometric recognition system was added. In fact, even with the latest versions, the possibility of performing facial recognition even with the mask on has also been added.

First of all, it should be noted that strictly speaking it is not an option specifically aimed at adding a second face belonging to another person, but its use is intended to add an additional facial recognition to the same original user for the case in which he must use safety equipment and facial protection. This can range from the aforementioned mask to glasses or accessories that can hide part of their face or interfere with the recognition of the previously registered profile.

What it is about is to take advantage of that additional possibility so that, instead, it is another person who undergoes facial recognition and thus there is a second user who can access the iPhone or iPad.

How to set up a second face in Face ID

To configure this second face, follow these steps on either of these two Apple mobile devices:

-To access to Settings.

-Commute to “FaceID and code”.

-Introduce Unlock PIN to access settings.

-Select the “Define an additional appearance” section.

-The second authorized user You must face the front camera of the iPhone/iPad and follow the steps indicated on the screen to recognize your face.

Finally, if you wanted to remove access to that second user through facial recognition, and given that, as explained, it is not really a second FaceID user profile but a second appearance of the only user, it will be necessary to eliminate the facial pattern of the user in FaceIDso the owner of the device will have to reconfigure FaceID so that it recognizes their face again, completely resetting the biometric security settings.

To do this, follow these steps:

-Enter “FaceID and code”.

-Select «Reset Face ID».

This will completely reset the configuration in this section, so if you want to unlock the device again using FaceID, you will have to activate it again and repeat the facial recognition pattern.

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