YouTube this week launched new features on the platform improving control during live broadcasts carried out through the platform. The novelty called “Go Live Together” (“Juntos ao vivo”, in Portuguese) was announced by the company in November 2022, but until then it was not available to all users of the social network.
As determined by AllCellularthe developer seems to have implemented this functionality both in the Android and iOS versions, allowing the content creator with more than 50 subscribers on the channel to invite another person to participate in the live, limiting it to the participation of only two people simultaneously.
In a publication on its official Twitter profile, YouTube confirmed the arrival of the feature highlighting its operation through a short video published on the social network (see below). To use the novelty, just have the application updated to its latest version and on the home page click on “More” and continue to “Juntos ao vivo”.
Then an access link will be generated that must be sent to the second live participant. As soon as the guest accepts the content will begin to be shared with subscribers of both channels. This tool has not yet arrived in the desktop version and for now we do not know when it will happen.
grab a friend & start a co-stream 🤝
🤩 introducing Go Live Together, a new way to easily start a co-stream & invite a guest, all from your phone! 📱
creators need 50+ subs to host co-streams, but anyone can be a guest!
more info here:
— TeamYouTube (@TeamYouTube) February 2, 2023
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