YouTube allows you to add voiceover to the Shorts

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1664454379 966 shorts youtube 1.jpg
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A feature present in TikTok (one more) that ends up being adopted by another rival platform (when the content formats themselves are not imitated). It is about the possibility of include a voice-over description of the videossomething that YouTube Shorts content creators can do, the platform’s response to TikTok’s characteristic short videos, available in Spain, among other markets, now almost a year ago.

At the moment voiceover can only be added to YouTube Shorts videos from the iOS app

The videos that can be recorded with Shorts have a maximum duration of 60 seconds and, also like in TikTok, they are displayed in the app with an infinite vertical scroll.

This possibility is available from today, although at the moment it is only available in the YouTube app for the iOS operating system. With this option, a video already recorded would be taken and on the audio track of the same se would add a recording with the voice overwhich allows offering instructions on a procedure or action that is being executed in the video, including reactions or comments or a narrative accompaniment to everyday moments.

To include these voice recordings first you must have the video already recorded on which you want to comment. From the Shorts app you will have to press a new button that appears in the lower right part of the camera screen that allows you to include the voice recording and, in addition, choose the moment of the video in which you want to incorporate the background voice, being able to Also adjust the volume.

In case you want to correct the voice during the recording of the voice, the app allows undo said recording without affecting the video. When the result is the desired one, it is enough to confirm that the edition has been finished and the video can be broadcast with the result of that background narration added later.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.