When we contract a fiber service at home or in the office, the operator always lends us all the equipment that we will need to be able to enjoy the service. These computers, like any electronic device, can break or start to malfunction, which is obviously not to anyone’s liking. If this happens to you,Who is responsible for paying for the repair or replacement of the router?? We will tell you about it in this article.
If you have already tried everything (even resetting your router) and still your router does not work or does not work as it should, it is very likely that this device is broken. Routers are designed to be devices that work non-stop 24 hours a day, but that does not mean that any of their components may fail or have directly broken. If this is your case, you will have to contact your operator to solve the problem, something that, as we will see later, it is free in most cases.
Your operator will fix it for free…but not always
As we say, when our home router breaks down, the first step we must do is contact the customer service of our operator. From this service our case will be processed, and it is most likely that from this they will try to connect to our device to verify that it is not a configuration problem or something that can be solved remotely by technicians. This will also serve to rule out any problem with the line or any generalized incident that may exist in your area.
Once any problem that can be solved from afar has been ruled out, it will be the operator’s turn to send the technician to our home to try to fix the device or, if it is irreparable, to exchange it for a new one. If this happens, it is most likely that the operator will be responsible for any type of associated expense, since the operators include a maintenance service when we sign a contract with them.
However, we must bear in mind that this will not always be the case. The operators will be responsible for the repair or replacement of a broken router as long as let us not be responsible for having broken the device. This is how Movistar explains it, for example, in its equipment transfer policies: «The costs derived from the repair of breakdowns will be borne by Movistar, provided that they are not attributable to the client due to negligent use or maintenance or due to actions intentional or negligent on their equipment.
In addition to this, we must take into account the same scenario in case we return the router to the operator because we have unsubscribed from the service. The operators will charge us a penalty in case we do not return the router, but they can charge us if we return the router in poor condition or broken. This is also explained by Movistar itself: «[…] the Smart WiFi Router Equipment presents some type of breakdown or damage, any of its components is missing or it does not fully conform to the model provided by Movistar, Movistar will invoice the customer the price corresponding to said equipment.
In short, if your router has stopped working properly from one day to the next, it is most likely that your operator will be in charge of repairing or replacing the equipment and will do so without you having to pay anything. However, we recommend that if this is your case, you contact your operator and ask specifically if the visit of the technician or the repair or replacement of the equipment has any cost for you.