Wordbook, to learn vocabulary by watching YouTube videos

There are several tools that help us learn languages with YouTube. Many of them use subtitles, others edit the videos to perform simultaneous translations reducing the speed… In this article you have several options.
The fact is that now a platform appears that helps to learn vocabulary using the same platform, so that we make the most of our time.
It is Wordbook, and it is presented as an all-in-one solution to learn on YouTube without distractions.
We just have to put the video link and get its subtitles. From there, we will have to click on any word to obtain a definition, being possible to save it in our personal word book.
It can be very useful for learning English, for example, since unknown words often appear. With this platform we don’t have to stop the video, search Google and go back to Youtube, because in addition to seeing the transcripts in real time, we will get definitions directly on the broadcast page by clicking on a word and saving it in a personal dictionary.
The advantages offered are:
– Focused knowledge: no need to switch tabs to go to Google search results.
– Defined knowledge: definitions of new words just when we need them.
– Marked knowledge: a digital notebook with all the new and important words.
They are currently working on turning Wordbook into a browser extension, adding voice recognition and much more, but at the moment it only works by sending the link of the Youtube video with which we want to learn things.