That WhatsApp is doing everything possible to close the gap with its competition, especially Telegram, it is obvious. It is clear that the company has realized that this development takes a lot of advantage in several sections in what has to do with functionality, and has got down to work. Well, according to what has been known, it is going to happen one more step in this regard in the most widely used messaging application worldwide.
What the company, which is now owned by Meta, is working on is the possibility of send you messages or files. This has an excellent utility, since it allows you to act as a notebook or to store other types of files so that you have them perfectly located (and, do not forget that now the size of these is up to 2GB). Of course, it is important to keep one thing in mind: unlike Telegram, storage is local instead of in the cloud, so what you have in the chat will occupy internal storage of the equipment you have. And this, if necessary, is very important.
The WhatsApp function is similar, but not the same in its use
As indicated in the source of the information itself, at the same time that the application is accessed, will automatically create your own chat associated with the number of your terminal and that has the name of You (with the explanation that it is used to send messages to yourself). By the way, something very positive is that the function can be enjoyed in multi-device which is already a reality in WhatsApp, so you can access the content from your smartphone or computer. And this is very positive.
In what has to do with the operation, there are no secrets: simply by opening the application select the new own chat and, there, you can write or attach the file you want. It arrives automatically and therefore stays there until you decide to remove it. Simple and to the foot, as football fans say.
Missing to make it a reality for all
At the moment the functionality is not even active in the trial version of WhatsApp, and simply what has been seen is the screen with the new function. This means that there is a long way to go until it is something that can be used… and taking into account the importance of the modifications, it is normal to think that until the year 2023, possibly the new function we are talking about will not be much less official.
Obviously it will come to all WhatsApp clients, both those for mobile devices and for the web and those that already exist for computers. A good function that, again, is not new, but because of the usefulness it will have, it will surely end up being widely used by users -both personally and professionally-. And, in addition, it means the end of tricks to achieve this, such as creating a group with another user and removing it to be left alone.