WhatsApp wants to improve the experience of users who use the app from an Android tablet with a series of new options.
Options that make better use of the tablet screen, and allow you to customize the way you view chats. We tell you what these news are about.
New way to view your WhatsApp chats from the tablet
In a previous article, we told you that the WhatsApp team was testing an interesting change to optimize the experience of users who use the app from a tablet.
In order to take advantage of the entire screen, the “side-by-side” function is being tested in the beta version of Android. That is, the possibility that users can divide the screen, and have the list of chats on one side, and the content of the conversation on the other.
A dynamic similar to the Gmail interface on the iPad, thanks to multitasking, which allows you to have the emails from the inbox on one side, and leave the rest free to open the content of the emails. In this way, it will no longer have the same mobile interface, but adapted to the tablet screen, but rather it will be optimized to provide the best experience.
However, this fixed dynamic could present a problem for those who prefer to view their WhatsApp chats on a single screen. Or for those who want to switch between the current view and the view of the two screens.
You can choose between traditional view or split screen
A problem that seems to already have a solution, as mentioned in WABetaInfo. In the latest beta of WhatsApp on Android you can see a new option in the settings, which allows you to disable the “side-by-side” function.
So dual screen view on Android tablets will not be a mandatory option for users. Just by going to the configuration options of the chats they will be able to activate or deactivate it. That way, they can customize the way they view their chats from the tablet.
For example, they may opt for dual screen, or split screen, when they want to catch up on all the chats, as it allows you to quickly jump to content. But they may prefer the traditional view when chatting with friends because the dual screen reduces the chat area considerably.
While they’ll have to go to the settings every time they want to change the display mode, they won’t have to deal with an uncomfortable view type.
At the moment, these new options for users with Android tablets are still in testing, so we will have to wait until they reach the stable version of WhatsApp.