WhatsApp suffers instability this Wednesday (8) and users complain on Twitter

WhatsApp suffers instability this Wednesday (8) and users complain on Twitter
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WhatsApp presents, this Wednesday afternoon, the 8th, instability in Europe and in other countries, making it difficult to send messages, files and publish status updates on the social network. According to information from Downdetector, a site specializing in monitoring apps and services, the failure started around noon today.

According to the platform, the problems most reported by users in the last few hours are: sending messages (68%), connecting to a server (24%) and, finally, receiving messages (11%). Reports on Twitter suggest that the instability affects both the Android and iOS mobile versions, as well as the Desktop and Web versions.

In the wording of AllCellular We haven’t seen messenger instability on any of the supported devices, so we believe this is an isolated issue or is being fixed. As usual, the situation generated dissatisfaction on the part of users, yielding some memes on social networks. “WhatsApp was from Americanas,” said one person.

The inconsistency in operation does not seem to affect Facebook and Instagram, applications that also belong to Meta. The developer has not yet positioned itself stating the reason for the failure, so it remains to wait until the service stabilizes and use messengers such as Messenger and Telegram until WhatsApp normalizes.

WhatsApp instability this Wednesday (8) – Image: Reproduction / Downdetector.
Reports on Twitter
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