Little by little WhatsApp is taking steps to improve the application, some advances are important structural advances, but, in many cases, with small details that become very useful over time. And there is one among the latter that has begun to unfold and that points to very good manners. The first thing you should know is that the improvement we are talking about at the moment is being deployed in the trial version of WhatsApp for Android. In addition, for the moment it exclusively affects groups -it remains to be seen if it will expand-. And this makes sense, since with it what is sought is that the fuss that exists on many occasions, when reviewing who is included, disappears (if not definitively, to a large extent) What WhatsApp is testing Some time ago It was indicated that the company intended to change the view of a contact that was not in the phonebook, going to see the username instead of the phone number. This is interesting and the truth is that it would help a lot to identify someone without having to ask around. But the app wants to go a step further, and at least in groups. Thus, it will also modify the profile icon that accompanies it on the left side of the screen in the event that an image has not been added. In this way, a different one will be awarded to each of the participants who are in the aforementioned situation. You can change from the representative image to the background color. Therefore, being clear about who has written something will be much easier because, on the one hand, the icon will be different and, furthermore, you will not see a phone number -it will be the name of the users that will appear-. A good advance that may seem minor, but it will surely end up becoming vital when it comes to using WhatsApp groups. We will have to wait for everyone to have it Following its usual policy in what has to do with updates, for the moment this advance is restricted to those who have the WhatsApp test application. In addition, as different sections of the app are modified, it is possible that it will not officially reach development until after the summer at least. Therefore, it is necessary to have some patience for an improvement that we run is quite interesting. >