I already played. It had been a long time since WhatsApp added new emojis to the application. Well, today it has been known what are the ones that will reach all users of the well-known messaging application in a short time. The reason is that they are already part of the trial version and therefore there is no going back. Practically, the company has had a whole year to decide what it has selected as novelties for use when writing messages and that a lot of text can be expressed with just one image. The total is 21, so these are the ones that in a short time you will be able to select from among all those that are already present in WhatsApp (and that, certainly, are outrageous). As usual, you can also choose them when executing a quick response, so common today. The new emojis coming to WhatsApp When inspecting the interior of the new version of WhatsApp’s test application for Android, the emojis have been fully integrated and ready to be used. All of them belong to version 15.0 of Unicode, so they do not have compatibility problems between the different versions of the application and it is expected that they will also be added to the rest of those that use chats. Therefore, we are not talking about something unique to WhatsApp. Among the novelties, which can be seen just before this paragraph, there are some options that are striking. An example is the face that expresses fear or the new colors that reach the hearts. In addition, what is represented by maracas or a wing are also striking. The one that shows the WiFi signal surely saves more than one a lot of time when they are inside or outside the home -and, the reindeer, will give a special game at Christmas-. The fact is that we are talking about very varied options where food is not lacking, in this case with a green bean. Arrival for everyone Obviously, there is no specific date for this to occur, but it should not take long, since we are talking about something that is very common in use – and WhatsApp is sure that they are more than used to the processes to add emojis without anything going wrong. In a matter of a few weeks at most they should be in the official version for everyone, so you won’t have to wait long. Of course, keyboard applications usually take less time to integrate these options, so you can always try one on your Android if you are impatient. >
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