WhatsApp: group administrators will be all-powerful, what will change?

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The news in the WhatsApp application are appearing almost with the same frequency with which advertisements are placed on television channels. Well, a new one has been discovered that is already being tested and has to do with the combination of groups and the options that administrators have to manage them. We are talking about the possibility of making these all-powerful in what has to do with the control of the messages that are published in the group of which they are administrators. The improvement being worked on is to provide the ability for these group chat members to delete messages they think are out of place or contain text that doesn’t matter or is simply offensive. This option is something that has been speculated for a long time that it would be part of WhatsApp, and today is when it has been detected that it is a reality that has begun to be tested by some users (provided they have the trial version with version of the app we are talking about). Messages that make clear what has happened This is something that is quite interesting, since the WhatsApp application itself will carry out an action to make clear what has happened with the message that has been deleted. Specifically, it will launch a text clearly indicating that the deletion has been carried out by the administrator. In this way, no one will be able to think that it has been a user who knows why. Thus, there will be no doubts about it. It is a good idea to offer this option to group administrators, since in this way the groups can be kept clean and there are no frictions between users. And, in addition, that it be reported precisely that the deletion has been carried out by this one, because in this way the usual doubts or existing bad vibes that appear on many occasions will not occur. Another new improvement that will also arrive This one has to do with ads, and we do not mean advertising. As has been known, WhatsApp is working on including some chatbots that will perform specific tasks to make life much easier for users. Thus, for example, messages can be received that will explain how the new functions of the application work, as well as indicate some possibilities to optimize the user experience. The future will tell if the company takes the step to include paid ads… which is not something that can be ruled out. Everything we’ve discussed is still in the testing phase, and the admin stuff seems a lot more advanced than the ads. Therefore, this novelty will come first… and it is not ruled out that before the end of the summer it will be a reality for all those who use the WhatsApp messaging application. >

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.