Meta announced the launch of its Businenss Coach tool, a WhatsApp chatbot with which users can access important resources to learn about digital marketing. In this way, access to information could be democratized.
Chatbots are virtual assistants that simulate having conversations with people. The answers were chosen and programmed by experts to guide users through a selection of information.
Access to this wizard can be done in the following ways.
– Going to
– Sending a message to the number +52 55 7005 5622
East chatbot it works in a simple way so that users can make use of the content available in the system. By starting the conversation by saying “hello”, people will have the opportunity to enter courses on how to create a Facebook Page or Business Profile on Instagram.
These information resources They include tips on what to post on the platforms, how to boost content, among other practical lessons.
The chatbot of Goal Business Coach is available in other languages and, according to the technology company, has helped approximately 63,000 people worldwide to deepen the information they already have in that field of marketing.
As indicated by Judith Guitelman, regional leader in business education in Meta, Internet speed or access to computers can be challenging, so making education simple and streamlined is another way this company demonstrates its commitment to small business owners everywhere. Latin America.
Contribution of Meta in elections
On August 12, Meta announced that users of its platforms in Brazil will be able to receive guidance regarding the presidential electionwhich will take place in that country on October 2, through a specialized virtual assistant.
As a result of a collaboration of Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE)the highest entity of the elections in Brazil, Meta created a virtual assistant accessible through the number +55 61 9637-1078 and that allows voters to have direct interaction with the electoral body, in addition to having the possibility of receiving relevant voting information.
On the other hand, the TSE will also have the possibility of denouncing content in Facebook and Instagram that may violate company policies.
In a publication carried out by Meta, it was also indicated that training sessions were organized for electoral officials from all over Brazil to explain their actions aimed at curbing the disinformation both on Facebook and Instagram.
Fighting disinformation
Meta also indicated that it will be in charge of removing content that was published on social networks that aims to discourage voting, spread wrong information on the date of the elections or data on the candidates.
In addition, the company works with data verifiers in charge of reviewing the veracity of publications that were reported and, if they are confirmed to be false, their scope will be reduced by Facebook and Instagram to prevent the message from being replicated by more people.
In the event that the article has been disseminated before being tagged as fake, a notification will be sent to users about this information. Those who try to share it later will also be warned.
Finally, the content that was reviewed and whose veracity has been proven, will appear in the ‘feed’ with a label and an article prepared by the checkerswho are made up of a group of news organizations, such as Agência Lupa, AFP, Aos Fatos, Estadão Verifica, Reuters Fact Check and UOL Confere.