One of the things that the WhatsApp messaging application lacks is the ability to post a message in a chat, be it individual or group. This is something that it is possible to do in many of the developments that are in direct competition, such as Telegram. And, it seems, things are very close to changing to the delight of users who use the app we talked about in the first place. By being able to do this, you can highlight a message that is important in a conversation, such as directions to perform a task that is common to everyone (and even how to access different media files that are hosted in the cloud). ). Therefore, we are talking about an option that is most useful and that, to be sure, is surprising that to date it is not part of WhatsApp. Obviously, this is in addition to the options that do exist, such as pinning conversations to the beginning of the chat or making a text appear as a highlight in the application interface. An option that will be very important in WhatsApp As has been learned, as is usual in the applications that do offer this option right now, when a message is set as pinned in the chat you will be able to see a warning indicating this, therefore , everyone will be aware of this modification and will be able to access the data by clicking on the name of the chat. Consequently, it does not seem that the way of working that the company has thought of will be very different from what exists in the competition. There is no precise data regarding who will be able to establish pinned messages in WhatsApp, but it is normal that this can only be done by chat administrators (to avoid constantly changing what is seen as highlighted). In addition, it is possible that there is some surprise in this regard, such as having more than one anchor option or that the number of changes per day is restricted. Obviously, all this remains to be seen, since the data has been taken from an internal screenshot of the application. Something that is not very close to being applied Due to what we have just started, since there is nothing functional even in the WhatsApp test applications, it seems that this novelty will not be able to be used by all users in the short term. And, because of how useful it is, it’s a shame that it might take a few months to be active in the messaging app. But, for now, all that remains is to wait and be clear that this will come sooner or later. >
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