On WhatsApp beta for Android in version there is a new design for the menu that appears by long touching a message, the one you call when you want to delete a message, forward it, reply, etc. To be precise it is not yet available to all beta users with that version of the app, but colleagues from wabetainfo. com managed to activate the novelty to get a screenshot of it.
Colleagues are certain that it will come with one of the next versions of WhatsApp. Meanwhile, the screenshot clarifies what’s cooking, a menu redesigned in the style of what appears on iOS. Lately the platform has been transferring various characteristic aspects of the iOS app to the Android one, see the reorganization of the layout with the Chat, Community, Status and Calls menus on the lower part of the interface a few days ago.
WhatsApp is also working on a set of animated emojis, a way of making the “smiley faces” clearer and at the same time nicer than those who use Telegram, for example, have probably already experienced. Currently less than ten have been developed, the developers of the platform have focused on those that users generally use most frequently.
Up here the gif made by wabetainfo. com. It is compressed, which explains the slow movement: colleagues ensure that the quality of the animated emoji is already quite high. They will come with an upcoming beta version of WhatsApp desktop, work in progress to introduce them also on Android and iOS, but time will pass.