One of the basic accessories required for the operation of the computerswhether portable or desk is a keyboard that allows executing commands, accessing production programs texts in addition to composing messages within these devices through a physical platform instead of using a virtual keyboard like the one used in cell phones either tablets.
Even though the basic function of keyboards always be the same, while some are classified as mechanicsothers are called “keyboards of membrane”, a no less characteristic that can lead people to decide if they want to acquire one type or another.
What are the differences between both types of keyboards
The operation of the pressure system of the keys is the main distinction between both keyboards. While the mechanics They present a variable resistance by means of a basic click mechanism that generates noise when pressing each key, those that are made of membrane are much quieter and require less effort to press the keys and produce a character.
Types of mechanisms in mechanical keyboards
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In principle, the keyboards that are of membrane They do not have specific mechanisms for each of the keys they have, but each one works through a wide section of eraser or plastic that occupies the entire base of the keyboard inside and are in charge of connecting the keys with the internal plate which assigns a keystroke in a specific place with a particular letter, symbol or number.
One of the main benefits that keyboards of this style have is their low cost compared to what can be found in those that are mechanical. Even the membrane keyboards of the quality higher are not comparable in price to those of the same category in mechanics, which does not mean that they are worse.
Just like you can manage some resources personalization in mechanical keyboards, such as modifying the internal mechanisms, membrane keyboards can also be modified to generate different touch sensations for a lower price without affecting its quality or functioning.
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In addition, in the case of beginner users or who are not so interested in expanding their knowledge regarding these accessoriesgetting a membrane keyboard that meets your requirements is not complicated because, unlike the mechanicsthey don’t have one technology and various details.
We teach you the best tricks that will help you unlock your keyboard. Put them to the test!
In the case of people who have some form of disability and require a keyboardthose that are membrane are more recommended because they require less effort to press each of the keyswhich may be kinder to users who have difficulty handling these devices.
The possibilities of repairing these keyboards are also factors to take into account, since the main problems that a keyboard could have membrane keyboard is that one of the contacts breaks or does not work properly and although to solve the problem the entire internal rubber section would have to be replaced, it continues to have a lower price compared to the type mechanic.
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It will depend on each users who are interested in acquiring some of these devices find the most suitable for your needs and the characteristics of the work or activity that you carry out from your pc.