Twitter tests a monthly tweet counter

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Twitter is testing a new feature that will allow check the number of monthly tweets published by each useras some analysts have been able to find out through reverse engineering techniques from developments carried out a month ago on the social network platform.

Checking the number of tweets shared by an account can allow you to assess whether to follow it or not

The usefulness of this feature remains to be determined, both for the analysis of one’s own behavior on Twitter (and some may be surprised at the number of tweets it publishes) and to assess whether or not to follow a particular account, in the event that Whether you share a lot or a little information is relevant.

Depending on the case, depending on the type of profile and the information shared, it could be more interesting if said user tweets many or few times a month in order to see the timeline saturated with their tweets or vice versa, which is precisely an element to value positively the one that shares a lot of information and frequently.

A Twitter spokesperson has stated that for the moment this feature of the monthly tweet counter is just an experiment through which the social network intends to obtain greater context in relation to the frequency of publication of its users, trying to find out if provide that information along with the counter of followers and followed users It could be useful when making the decision to follow or not an account.

From Twitter it is justified in that having more information allows a decision to be made with more data and, therefore, it would be more satisfactory and useful for the user. Here we should also take into account the new possibility that will allow a tweet to be published with two simultaneous authors.

In 2019, a Pew Research report determined that around 10% of Twitter users are responsible for 80% of the tweets that are published, showing that the average user of the social network only tweets twice a month.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.