Since mid-February this year, Twitter has been charging for two-factor authentication via SMS. If you used this method on your account, when entering the application, the social network would ask you to migrate to another form of verification. The deadline for the change ends this Monday (20).
If you don’t make the change in time, Twitter will disable the feature and make your account less secure to access. The intention of the microblog’s new owner, Elon Musk, is to offer 2FA via text message only in the Twitter Blue subscription plan.
When making the change in the application, the user can choose between other alternatives. The list has authentication applications, physical security key and backup code, for example. All are considered safer than the SMS method.
This is because text messages still leave individuals susceptible to an attack through the so-called “SIM Swap”. It consists of stealing the owner’s legitimate number, which would allow the attacker to verify the identity and reset the password.
Among the alternatives, the most common is the authenticator app – the main examples include Google Authenticator and Microsoft Authenticator. Once linked to your account, they generate a unique code for a limited time, to release access after typing in your account.
It is worth emphasizing that it is important to make the change this Monday (20th), so as not to run the risk of having your account without the additional layer of protection as soon as the deadline for migration has expired.
In an effort to prevent this measure from taking effect and harming users in Europe, the Europeian Institute of Consumer Defense (Idec) filed a representation with the Social Communication Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic (Secom) and the National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon).
The request requires that this policy change be suspended in the country, in order to maintain the free resource and the platform “promote and inform consumers about security measures so that more users use additional layers of protection”.
In the case of the specific request to Senacon, Idec also requested the initiation of an administrative proceeding against Twitter, so that the company is condemned for infringing the Consumer Defense Code and the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet.
So, which method will you choose to replace the SMS, if you are not a Blue subscriber? Comment with us!
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