Twitter Circle: Tweeting to selected groups is possible worldwide

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1659567282 twitter circle tweeting to selected groups is possible worldwide.png

Three months after the start of the test phase, Twitter Circle can now be used worldwide. With the function, tweets can be sent to a selected group of people.

Twitter has made its Twitter Circle feature available worldwide. This makes it possible to send tweets only to a selected group of people, the Twitter Circle. As of today (August 3), everyone on Twitter can use the new function, according to Twitter. However, a short test in the editorial office showed that the function is apparently only gradually becoming available for all users.

If the feature is already activated for an account, it will appear as a pop-up when a new tweet is started. Users can then choose directly whether the tweet should go to everyone on Twitter or to their own Twitter Circle. You can edit this directly, add or remove people. Later, a new tweet’s target audience will be directly above it, in green next to the profile picture. If you tap on the button, you can choose who the next tweet should go to.


If you are part of a Twitter Circle, you can recognize this by the corresponding green lettering under the respective tweet. This cannot be shared or retweeted. When you add or remove people from your circle, you don’t want them to be notified. You can add up to 150 people to your circle, according to the press release. Twitter provides more information on the Twitter Circle help page ready.

When the new feature was announced earlier this year, it still had the working title “Twitter Flock”. In May it then entered the test phase as a Twitter Circle. According to Twitter, it is one of the most requested features on the platform.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.