Privacy and security are two of the main concerns of messaging applications like WhatsApp. This particular app has been adding new security features to its system for a long time to make accounts much more secure. A new feature in this field is currently being tested in the beta version of the Meta app, and with it the security of the accounts will increase in level. We tell you more about this new function.
The new function comes to reinforce one of the weakest points of WhatsApp in terms of security. As we will see below, this new WhatsApp function will add more security when activating the account on a new device.
One more function for WhatsApp security
As you probably know, today you need a phone number to activate WhatsApp. It is necessary since when we try to log in with our account the application will automatically send us an SMS with a code that we must enter in order to use the app. We already told you that the application is working on a new method to log in in which instead of an SMS we will receive a quick phone call, but this function has not yet reached the final version of the application.
This way of logging in is relatively secure, but if someone is able to get hold of the SMS code, they can keep our entire WhatsApp account. Currently, when we request this code in the application to be able to activate WhatsApp, only a message will appear on the mobile where the account was active informing of this request, but as we say It is a simple warning with which we will not be able to do absolutely anything.
With this new function that WhatsApp is already testing in its beta version, things are very close to changing. Thanks to this new function, the old mobile where the WhatsApp account is active you will receive a notification asking the user if he wants to move his WhatsApp account to another phone. This notification, unlike the one we have right now in the app, must be accepted by the user, otherwise the account will not be activated on the new mobile.
The best thing about this new function is that in addition to the message and allowing us to accept or reject the change of mobile, it will also give us some information on when and how this change of mobile is taking place. Everything seems to indicate that we will be able to see in the notification the time in which the change attempt is taking place, as well as the device model that is requesting it (at least in theory, since it does not appear in the function yet).
As we always tell you with this type of news, this function is currently in a development stage, which is why it is only available to users who enjoy the beta version of WhatsApp. The rest of the users will still have to wait a whilealthough the appearance of this type of function in the Meta messaging application is undoubtedly great news.