Textão alert! Twitter begins testing 4,000-character tweets

 Textão alert!  Twitter begins testing 4,000-character tweets
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O twitter began testing the functionality that allows users to tweet up to 4,000 characters. The feature was announced by Elon Musk, CEO of the platform, in December and still has no date to reach all users.

The social network’s new post format allows posts over 14 times longer characters than the current limit of 280. The change is welcomed by some, but criticized by others, as the format of the twitter has always been microblogging.

Tweets with up to 4,000 characters started appearing in Twitter feeds in late January and continue to increase in frequency. At least all the content is not displayed right away and the user has to click on a generated link to see the rest.

Viewing the Twitter feed shouldn’t change much even with larger publications, given that only the first 280 characters of the text are shown at first, leaving it up to the user to view the rest or not.

Just by clicking to see the entire tweet the user is directed to a page with the complete publication, that is, with up to 4000 characters. The feature is still in testing and there is no confirmation that it will be released to everyone in fact.

Since taking control of the social network, Musk has been testing various functions and features within the platform, which has bothered and even caused some problems for people and brands. We don’t know if this is just another experiment by the executive.

And you, do you find publications of up to 4,000 characters interesting on Twitter? Tell us in the comments down below!

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