Telegram announces new URL options for users and fights against nickname hijacking
In a post made this Monday (29) on his official channel, the CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, announced new measures taken by the company to curb the “hijacking” of usernames and addresses of groups/channels made by cybersquatters of the Iran, which has set aside 70% of available options for inactive profiles in exchange for money.
According to Durov, this practice prevents real people from choosing addresses and nicknames for their personal or corporate accounts, and should adopt generic options available. As the statement explains, from mid-August the developer began removing all public addresses linked to channels that were empty or inactive in the last year.
With this newly introduced change, Telegram expects to progressively make available around 99% of public addresses taken by Iranians. Although he did not commit to stipulating a deadline, the executive anticipates that the choice of available options will have algorithmic and geolocation limitations to democratize access.
In the case of the most popular nicknames, Durov explains that he will auction them off as an incentive for the owners of the addresses to put them “to good use to add value to our users with original content hosted on recognizable addresses”, revealing efforts to combat ghosts (“ghosts”, in Portuguese).
Durov also took advantage of the space to launch new URL domains that can be used to direct people to profiles, groups or channels in the messenger. Starting today, ‘’ format is supported for dedicated links like “” for each username in Telegram, in addition to the traditional “ username”.
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