
Nokia T21 in Italy, tablet with character and guaranteed updates | PRICE

Nokia presented T21, mid-range tablet with a certain personality. Not too exciting is the chip chosen by the designers of HMD Global, a Unisoc T612 with a maximum frequency...

Nokia T21 in Italy, tablet with character and guaranteed updates | PRICE

Nokia presented T21, mid-range tablet with a certain personality. Not too exciting is the chip chosen by the...

Nokia returns to Europe: why this new mobile phone was not manufactured in China

HMD Global, the company that owns the legendary Nokia brand, has presented its first mobile phone manufactured in...

Windows Phone, Fire OS, Bada… the failed operating systems that couldn’t handle iOS and Android

Throughout the history of technology, several technological milestones have been developed that have turned out to be failures on numerous occasions. In the case...

Nokia returns to Europe: why this new mobile phone was not manufactured in China

HMD Global, the company that owns the legendary Nokia brand, has presented its first mobile phone manufactured in Europe.   Gone are the times when Nokia...

Nokia T21 in Italy, tablet with character and guaranteed updates | PRICE

Nokia presented T21, mid-range tablet with a certain personality. Not too exciting is the chip chosen by the designers of HMD Global, a Unisoc...