If you’ve been following us for a while, then you probably already know that in addition to keeping you informed, we’re always trying to add knowledge to your daily life, with tips and tutorials so you can get the most out of your devices and apps.
Today, continuing this routine, we present one more tip; this time, for Spotify users! Learn how to download podcast episodes from the streaming service below.
In addition to allowing its Premium plan subscribers to download albums and playlists for offline listening, Spotify also allows those same subscribers to download full episodes of podcasts to listen to without an active internet connection.
As with music downloads, the feature is available for the service’s app for Android, iOS and computer – but not for the streaming web interface; and by default, the download needs to happen on each device where the user wants offline playback.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to download all the episodes of a show at once, so you have to download each episode individually.
Check in the following categories how to download.
- Android and iOS
- Computer
Android and iOS
- With the Spotify app open on your device, find the desired episode;
- Now, tap the down arrow icon to download;
- If the podcast in question also has video, you will be asked what you want to download:
- If you want to download the audio and video, tap “download video”. This option will take up more memory space and the download will take longer to complete;
- To change the setting and download only the audio, tap “Access Settings” and, on the next screen, check the option key “Download audio only”. This adjustment will be reflected for all future downloads.
- For those who chose to download only the audio, go back to the previous screen, if necessary, tap on the arrow again;
- When the arrow icon turns green, the download is complete.
- To view all downloaded eps, tap your “Your Library” and go to “Your episodes”.
There, you’ve learned how to download your programs for offline playback! To remove the downloaded episode, freeing up storage space, tap on the green arrow and, if necessary, confirm the operation by tapping “To remove”. The ep will be deleted from the app.
As mentioned on Spotify’s support page, you need to be online at least once every 30 days to keep downloads active. Also, if the same content is downloaded on more than 5 devices or the service app is deleted or reinstalled, you will lose your download.
- With the Spotify app open on your computer, find the desired episode;
- Now, hover the mouse pointer over the episode and click the down arrow icon to download;
- When the arrow icon turns green, the download is complete.
- To view all downloaded eps, click on “Your episodes” in the left side menu.
There, you’ve learned how to download your programs for offline playback! To remove the downloaded episode, freeing up storage space, click on the green arrow and, if necessary, confirm the operation by clicking on “To remove”. The ep will be deleted from the app.
Unlike what happens in the platform app for smartphones, until the moment of this tutorial, there is no way to choose to download an episode with audio and video or only audio – if the video is available, of course. In general, episodes with video will only have their audio downloaded and will only play the images when an internet connection is identified.
As mentioned on Spotify’s support page, you need to be online at least once every 30 days to keep downloads active. Also, if the same content is downloaded on more than 5 devices or the service app is deleted or reinstalled, you will lose your download.
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