Tesla Powerwall arrives in Spain to reduce your electricity bill
Surprise on the part of Tesla, which has just announced the arrival of its popular rechargeable battery for homes and small businesses in...
Apple steps up efforts to reduce reliance on Chinese factories
Apparently Apple is serious about implementing a major reform of its supply chain: the company would have assembled a series of so-called "tiger teams"...
Save space with your PDFs: this way you can reduce their size without paying anything
Surely you have a large number of documents in PDF format on your mobile phone and on your computer. These have become...
How Spanish cities are working to reduce cars and encourage bikes
Pontevedra was a city people were leaving because the car was choking the life out of its medieval centre.Determined to save the city from...
Cancer: Brussels unveils new guidelines to boost screenings and reduce inequalities in EU
The European Commission on Tuesday unveiled its proposals to boost cancer screenings in the EU, recommending that three new types of cancer be screened...