MicrosoftTech NewsTwitterYoutube Architecture and agility with Stefan Toth

voonze Developer presents the videocast of Eberhard Wolff and Lisa Moritz: This time, Stefan Toth discusses how agility and architecture fit together.

Architecture is stable, software development is agile – there are always new requirements and new sprints with new plans. How do these two opposing worlds fit together?

In the current episode of the videocast, the software architect and consultant Stefan Toth discusses these and other questions relating to agility and architecture – from the team to the company level. It is also about what role the software architects play in agile projects and how they can support the agile approach of the development teams.

As usual, the videocast is available as a live stream here and on YouTube: Agility and architecture – with Stefan Toth

In the current episode of, Lisa Maria Moritz will again draw live sketch notes. There is no second separate stream for this, but the sketch notes can be seen directly in the main stream.

The charisma finds on Friday, July 22, 2022 at 12 p.m (CEST) live, the episode will be available as a recording afterwards. During the live stream, questions can be asked via Twitch or YouTube chat, via Twitter to @ewolff or submit anonymously using the form on the videocast website. is a videocast by Eberhard Wolff, blogger and podcaster voonze developer and well-known software architect in the service of the IT consulting company INNOQ. Since June 2020, more than 100 episodes have been created that highlight different areas of software architecture – sometimes with guests, sometimes with Wolff alone. Binds for two years now voonze developer streamed the new episodes via YouTube in the online channel so that viewers from Heise Medien can follow the videocast.

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