The e-commerce platform shopee launched yesterday, Thursday (25), a new game that promises to offer e-commerce in-app rewards for customers. The news is already available for Android and iOS.
Call of Shopee Lyrics, the game is a kind of puzzle in which players unravel and connect letters to form words. Accumulated points can be redeemed for Shopee Coins or for coupons that turn into discounts on purchases.
The player can choose between the Classic Mode, in which there is no limit to the chances to guess the words, and the Daily Challenge, with two options: Crossword Mode, with limited chances, and the Climb Mode, in which the player enters the maximum number of words you get.
According to the company, the goal is to offer a fun shopping experience and more ways to save. Beyond thehopee Letras, the platform also offers other games, such as Shopee Candy, Shopee Bubbles, Shopee Throwing and others.
“Our app goes beyond shopping, we have entertainment and connection features as well. In addition to the games, the consumer can talk to the seller before, during and after a purchase, follow live streams and earn coins on product reviews.” commented the person responsible for Marketing at Shopee in Europe, Felipe Piringer.
The launch takes place during the 9.9 Super Shopping Day campaign, in which the company promises to offer additional free shipping coupons with a minimum purchase of R$19 on September 9, R$6 million in discount coupons and prizes.
The Shopee Letras game and the other games can be accessed directly from the e-commerce.
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