RTX 4090: Nvidia further lowers the price of its graphics card to sell off its stocks

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rtx 4090 nvidia further lowers the price of its graphics.jpg

The RTX 4090, Nvidia’s true powerhouse, is getting even more affordable. For the third time since its launch, the company has just lowered the recommended retail price of its graphics card.

RTX 4090 Nvidia
Credits: Nvidia

When it was released at the end of last year, the RTX 4090 positioned itself as an almost unaffordable graphics card, with Nvidia having significantly increased its price compared to previous generations. With a starting price of 1949 eurosmany players had preferred to wait for cheaper versions.

Nvidia finally managed to lower the price of its Founders Edition version to 1859 euros last February, before dropping it to 1819 euros in March. The price didn’t budge in April, but Nvidia finally cut its price for the third time in May. The graphics card is now offered from 1769 euros in France on the company’s official website.

Nvidia lowers the prices of its cards to convince players

If Nvidia managed to lower its prices, it is not only because the RTX 4090 is no longer very recent, but also because sales are probably not up to expectations of the society.

We reported a few days ago that Nvidia and various retailers have found themselves with large GPU inventories on their hands, as production has vastly exceeded demand in recent months. We therefore had to expect aggressive price reductions in an attempt to sell graphics cards, and that’s exactly what Nvidia has just done.

Unfortunately, these reductions are currently quite contained, since the RTX 4090 is only 9% cheaper than when it was released last year. It now remains to be seen if the other GPUs will also benefit from the same treatment, since the RTX 4090s were not the only ones to suffer from excessive stocks. It is also expected that the price of the RTX 4090 will continue to drop over the next few months, especially if AMD is aggressive on the prices of its own cards. It occasionally happens to see the RTX 7900 XTX drop below the 1000 euro mark, which should complicate the task for Nvidia over the next few months.

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Mubashir Hassan
Expert in tech and gaming, blending industry insights with expertise