In the latest beta version of Telegram for Android, the paid Stories feature has become free, but with some limitations. For example, users without a subscription are now
In the latest beta version of Telegram for Android, the paid Stories feature has become free, but with some limitations.
For example, non-subscribers can now post up to three Stories per day, or up to seven per week, for a total limit of 30 posts per month.
Adding text descriptions to Stories remains possible, but descriptions are limited to 200 characters and will be visible on the profile for 24 hours. Subscribers with an active Telegram subscription will have an advantage and their “Stories” will be displayed at the top. These subscribers have the ability to create up to 100 posts per day and manage their storage as they see fit. You can also add descriptions up to 2048 characters long.
The “Stories” editor provides the ability to add geolocation, hyperlinks, and other elements. Subscribers also have the ability to anonymously view and save other people’s posts. At the same time, the author of “Stories” will be able to see who viewed his publications.