New WhatsApp status features

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The status in WhatsApp allows us to share updates in an original way for 24 hours, being possible to put photos, videos, GIFs, text and more.

Said status is protected by end-to-end encryption, and can be shared privately and securely.

Now in Meta they have published several updates of this function, ideal for fans of it:

– private audience selector: We can choose who sees our status each time we update it. Our most recent audience selection will be saved and used as the default for the next state.

– voice status: We can record and share voice messages of up to 30 seconds in WhatsApp status, ideal for sending more personal updates.

– status reactions: It will be possible to respond to the status updates of our contacts by sliding up and touching one of the eight available emojis.

– Status profile rings for new updates: There will be a ring present around our contact’s profile photo every time they share a status update, so we’ll know if it’s a new status or not. It will be visible in chat lists, group participant lists, and contact information.

– Status Link Previews: We will see a preview of the links, just like when we send a message.

These new features have already started rolling out to users around the world and will be available to everyone in the coming weeks.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.