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New ways to earn money with Facebook Reels

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The Chinese social network TikTok announced a few days ago that it would begin to distribute half of its advertising revenue among its most popular content creators. Now Meta, the company that owns Facebook and Instagram, makes a move so as not to be left behind.

Facebook Reels creators can earn up to $4,000 per month if they meet a set of audience goals

The company has announced that it will distribute additional bonuses among original content creators in Reels on Facebook, a format that was launched for all users of the social network at the beginning of the year.

Meta has already warned that this change in their bonus strategy will affect the way Reels are monetized and may cause some users stop earning so much money as before, but others may start to get more benefits.

New incentive with Reel Challenges

In parallel to this distribution of funds, Meta will also create a new incentive called “Challenges”. In this way, the creators of Facebook Reels can aim to earn up to $4,000 a month if they reach certain audience and views goals.

Every month, Reels users will be able to participate in a series of cumulative challenges, with successive goals that, as they are overcome, more money is added to the final bonus. For example, a creator of Facebook Reels will be able to earn their first $20 if at least five of their Reels reach 100 views.

Once that goal has been reached, they will be able to aspire to the next one, which will consist of earning 100 dollars if twenty of their Reels achieve 500 reproductions each. This progress will accumulate over a month, and it will start over from zero at the start of a new month.

Of course, as Facebook has advanced, Only a select group of users will be part of this Reel bonus program. However, the company has assured that it is developing other types of incentive programs that would be open to more users. Likewise, Facebook has confirmed that it is testing the introduction of overlapping advertisements in its Reels.


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