New Google Meet feature to automatically center the image

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When holding a videoconference, users can move voluntarily or involuntarily, sometimes without realizing that they are staying out of camera frame. This is one of the most common mistakes when making a video call.

Google Meet image recentering must be activated by the user himself, as it is deactivated by default

There are automated solutions to correct this situation, as is the case with Center Stage in some iPad models, but these are functionalities that depend on the hardware, on whether the tablet has certain front cameras capable of carrying out that frame shift.

Now in Google Meet they have developed a software-based version that allows automatically adjust the frame so that the subject always appears correctly centered on the camera, which ensures optimal visibility for all participants in the videoconference.

This “refocusing” is done automatically by Google Meet only once, when starting the videoconference, but the user can activate it manually at any time, which allows, from the application settings menu, reposition the subject in the center of the image without having to change the position of the webcam.

It is a function that can be activated by any user, that is, it does not require the intervention of the administrator, but it will be the user himself who must activate it since it appears deactivated by default.

This option will be available to all Google Workspace professional accounts, but it will not be used by those who have an account for personal use, so it is configured as a highly professional functionality.

With this new functionality in Google Meet, they continue to enhance their tools that provide different utilities to the most professional users, as is the case with the recently announced transcription of the conversations that is sent automatically to Google Docs, containing the entire conversation in text.