Music duo: YouTube Music wins exclusive list for sounds discovered in the Shorts

Music duo: YouTube Music wins exclusive list for sounds discovered in the Shorts
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If you’ve seen a Shorts video and loved his music, know that now you don’t have to manually search for it in YouTube Music to add it to a playlist. This is because a new function allows you to save these sounds in a dedicated list with just one tap without leaving the application.

This new integration between YouTube Shorts and Music is coming in the form of a playlist within the music app, where all sounds saved on YouTube will be automatically added.

For example, just tap the song’s album cover in the lower right area of ​​the Shorts video on YouTube to display more videos with the same sound and then tap save in the upper area.

Images: Everson Bicudo/TechSmart

When opening YouTube Music, navigate to the Library tab > Playlists and look for the list called Audios from the Shorts. It will contain all the songs you’ve saved, making it easier to manage them and even add them to other YouTube Music lists.

To access the new function, you just need to have YouTube version 17.36.36 and YouTube Music 5.23.50 or newer installed.

Also, it’s interesting to remember that YouTube Music gained integration with Instagram this week, allowing you to share music in Stories.

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