Since mark zuckerberg announced the start of development of the metaverse a virtual world in which people could enter through avatars and virtual reality in October 2021, users have been curious about the possibility that a platform like the one proposed by the CEO of goal.
Currently, after Zuckerberg announced advances in the technology of virtual reality and the development of avatars For this digital world, relevant statistics have been produced that could reveal some desires that people have for explore This space.
According to the company GWIdedicated to market research, his document titled consumer insights indicates that the 51% of people want to watch movies on this new streaming platform Goalwhile a 44% would be willing to participate video game. Other uses that could be given to this digital environment would be to test products (43%), attend live events (41%) or do shopping.
Due to this behavior and the opinions generated among the potential consumers of the virtual world of the metaverse, the event “SAP Concur Sessions: Everything changed. Nothing changed” in which they talked about what attracts people to this possible digital environment based on virtual reality.
According to Sarah Torres, producer of Games and Metaverso from This is Metaverse, who participated in the event, one of the attractions that people see in this platform is that the interactions would not be limited to the two-dimensionality of a screen of cell phone or of computerbut it would be immersive and three-dimensional.
On the other hand, Torres indicated that in reality there are different “metaverses” with whom people are in contact in various ways. “When we scan a QR code and we get data about a product or when we pass our phone for a brand of augmented reality” were examples that he proposed to indicate that this technology is available in the present.
The expert also emphasized another type of virtual experiences which would be based mainly on the fact that the users are the ones who have control over the development of the digital environments which would be “decentralized” and available for the interoperability that is to say that it can be accessed through different platforms with the same avatar and profile of user.
This last characteristic is one of the challenges for the development of the metaverse as conceived the proposal of Zuckerberg since people would not depend on a single access device or experience the virtuality of the digital world proposed, but it could be presented to users with different stimuli adaptable to the platforms that are available to each of the people.
However, even though people can access the services, products and virtual environments of the metaverse in the near future, Torres indicates that it is difficult for people to completely leave the face-to-face to solely occupy a space within the metaverse permanently or at least for most of the time.
“Although he metaverse allows us to increase experiences in a simple way, such as buying a piece of clothing during a walk virtual and receive it in reality at my house or buy milk directly from my fridge when I detect that it is needed, there is a component of pleasure and relaxation in carrying out certain activities in person,” Torres said during his participation.