Mercedes F200, a 10 million dollar car that changed the steering wheel for a joystick

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mercedes f200 2 1000x600.jpg

The Mercedes F200 was never mass-produced, and therefore never marketed. However, the German company decided to remove it from paper and produced some units that, as you may have imagined, have become luxurious collector’s items. This car was developed in 1996and despite all the time he has on his back, he is still impressive.

Externally, the Mercedes F200 has a clearly futuristic line, especially considering that its birth took place 26 years ago, although it maintains the classic essence of the Mercedes series of that time, something that is clearly seen in many details, such as the headlights and the front grille. However, when we look inside the car we find “a totally different world”.

mercedes f200

The first thing that catches the eye is the driving position, and that is that the steering wheel and the gear lever disappear completely. Instead we have a forked joystick used as a full control system, and when I say total I mean that it also controls acceleration and braking, since as you can see in the image we don’t even have pedals. Impressive, although uncomfortable, impractical and I would dare say unsafe, since the precision and response offered by this driving system is not at the level of what we get with a traditional steering wheel.

mercedes f200

On the dashboard we have a set of buttons that include the automatic transmission system and other important elements, such as the electric windows, the emergency lights and the multimedia system. Nor does it go unnoticed digital interfacethe exterior cameras that completely eliminate the need for rearview mirrors and the possibility of using CDs, DVDs and displaying information from our phone. What can I say, ignoring the disastrous idea of ​​changing the steering wheel for a joystick, it is clear that the Mercedes F200 was, in everything else, ahead of its time.

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I leave you a video just below these lines so that you can see the Mercedes F200 in more detail. If I were the lucky owner of this car I am quite clear that I would consider putting a steering wheel and a set of pedals on it. I know this might detract from it, but it would make the driving experience less artificial and complicated. To sample you have the video, where you can clearly see that discomfort when driving the car.